dormakaba ED100/ED250 Service Manual
Chapter 16
Troubleshooting information messages
ln 01
Door obstructed by an
obstacle or person; door
movement stopped by
Sustained operation on a door with an obstruction can result in damage to
1. Object or person obstructing door movement.
• Check door movement while system is deenergized.
• Remove cause of anything obstructing door movement.
2. Sensor detection range too small.
• Obstructions are often caused by people using door due to sensor's
detection range not matching operator's opening speed. Door is
unavoidably contacted by person using door.
• Sensors detection range should be increased and/or operator's opening
speed should be increased.
3. Test system operation after cause of obstruction found.
ln 08
Deactivation of drive function
• Contact at X6, 4 and 4a is
• Operator switched to
emergency mode, door
can only be used manually.
An emergency close switch, lock switch, or other system safety device may be
connected to the X6 input.
1. One of the activators connected to X6 may have opened, or a defect is
2. Reset the applicable activator. Operator should start operation
3. If ln 08 still present, check activators or system wiring.
ln 09
Upgrade card error
• Installed upgrade card has
been removed.
• If two upgrade cards were
installed, the upgrade card
installed first (container
module) has not been
reinstalled or is defective.
1. Installed Upgrade card may not be removed from operator.
2. If more than one upgrade card is installed, the first card installed becomes
the container module.
• Reference chapter 17 for Upgrade card installation.
• The container module must be installed last, after all other Upgrade cards
are installed.
3. If container module defective, first upgrade card (container module) must
be replaced and all other upgrade cards must be reinstalled,
ln 11
Hold-open system triggered.
1. Hold-open system can be triggered:
• Automatically by smoke detector or building interface system.
• Manually by a manual release button.
• Manually moving door.
2. The system must be reactivated by a deliberate action.
3. Depending on system's configuration, reactivation can be done by:
• Manually moving door to taught opening angle.
• Switching program switch to Close (off).
• Pressing both 4 button keypad left
and right
buttons >3s.
4. It must be ensured that a smoke detector or building interface has not
been triggered.
5. If reactivation is unsuccessful, there may be a defect in the smoke
detector or building interface system or its connections.
ln 23
Locking alarm
• Door is blocked while in
the closed position.
1. Most common cause of this error is the drive unit attempting to open a
locked door.
2. To eliminate the occurrence of this error, install a lock status switch.
• Lock switch detects the lock pin's switching status and switches the drive
unit off if necessary.
3. It is recommended to use a lock status switch, as repeated attempts to
open a locked door may damage the drive unit or the door.
16.3 Troubleshooting chart, "ln" codes
16.3.1 Troubleshooting chart, information messages.