AnnotationText Node (optional)
This AnnotationText element is a human-readable annotation corresponding to the comment
assigned to this TriggerCue when it was created. It is the name chosen by the user in Figure 47
for the field “Comments”. CueType Node (optional)
The CueType element corresponds to the type of cue used by the TriggerCue. The available
Cue Types are listed in the table below:
Table 3: Cue Types Available
Allows assignment of a GPI line and value to the Trigger
Allows assignment of another signal to the Trigger CueTypeParameters (optional)
The CueTypeParameters element contains the parameters associated to the cue type defined
in the CueType element.
Figure 83: TriggerCue Structure
Dotted lines denote optional elements that can be omitted during the creation based on
the Macro Editor.
For GPI Cue Type the two following parameters have to be used: "Line" and "Value".
The "Line" element specifies the GPI line number to be used for the associated
command. It contains a integer to be chosen between 0 and 7.
The "Value" element indicates the state of the GPI: ON (Value = 1) or OFF (Value = 2).
For Signal Cue Type the following parameter has to be used: "Name".
The "Name" element specifies the signal name.
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Version 1.3
Doremi Cinema LLC Confidential