: In case the command type is Play, Pause, TogglePlayPause or PurgePendingMacro no
additional parameters are required within the Command element. Duration Sub-Node (optional)
The Duration element has only to be used for the “Black” command type. It specifies the
duration as a number of seconds of the associated black video and silent audio output. Line Sub-Node (optional)
The Line element has only to be used for the “GPO” command type. It specifies the GPO line
number to be used for the associated command. It contains an integer to be chosen between 0
and 7. Value Sub-Node (optional)
The Value element is only to be used for “GPO”, “Dowser”, “Lamp”, “Channel”,
“VideoOutputMode” and “ProjectorMacro” command types.
When used for the “GPO” command, it has to be the Value element grouped with the Line and
optional PulseDelay elements sequence. When used for the “Dowser”, “Lamp”, Channel”,
“VideoOutputMode” or “ProjectorMacro” commands, it has to be the stand alone Value element
defined at the same level as the Duration element in the schema (see Figure 81 above).
The format of the Value element depends on the kind of command type. The table below
presents the usage of the elements for each command type.
Table 2: Value Formats
Associated Value Format Description
Possible values:
- 0: means GPO OFF
- 1: means GPO ON
- 2: means GPO Pulse mode
Possible values:
- 0: means Dowser OFF
- 1: means Dowser ON
Possible values:
- 0: means Lamp OFF
- 1: means Lamp ON
Value element is an integer chosen between 0 and 16. This integer
indicates to which projector channel to switch.
Possible values:
- DolphinlorConversionDefault: default video output mode
DolphinColorConversion444to422: video output mode allowing
playback of the corresponding 24fps Package at 48fps.
Value indicates the concerned projector macro name PulseDelay Sub-Node (optional)
The PulseDelay element is only to be present for the “GPO” command when the associated
value is set to 2 (Pulse Mode). Its value is the duration, in milliseconds, during which the
associated GPO will remain "ON" level before going to "OFF" (see Table 2 above).
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Version 1.3
Doremi Cinema LLC Confidential