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Guide to Dismantling Ringlock Scaffolds
The dismantling of a Ringlock scaffold is no different
from most other types of scaffold. The dismantling pro-
cedure is the reverse of the erection procedure; the last
component installed is the first to be removed.
The following points are not to be considered unique to
the Ringlock scaffold, but used as a guide for safe prac-
Prior to dismantling the scaffold. The Supervisor
should meet with all members of the dismantling
team to develop a safe plan of work which identifies,
controls, and/or removes all identifiable hazards.
Monitor the site traffic in the immediate area during
the dismantling of the Ringlock Scaffold. If neces-
sary, barricade the area.
Handle all components with care to minimize possi-
ble damage. The safety of those dismantling the
scaffold and passersby should take top priority dur-
ing dismantling.
Before starting the dismantling procedure, inspect
the entire scaffold to ensure that it is still structurally
sound; that is, no parts have been damaged or
removed that would endanger workers on the scaf-
fold. If any such damage or missing part is seen,
those parts must be replaced before commencing
the operation.
Do not remove a scaffold tie or structure connection
until the scaffold components above the tie have
been disassembled and lowered to the ground.
Use temporary work platforms or loading platforms
at each level.
All scaffolders should be wearing safety harnesses
and other appropriate PPE. Harnesses should be
attached to the scaffold at appropriate points (refer to
'Safety Harness Connection Points').
Use ropes and slings to raise scaffold parts. Do not
throw components.
Inspect all components to ensure that each one is
suitable. Identify all damaged components by tag-
ging or marking them conspicuously.
Damaged components should be kept separated
from all of the other components in a quarantine