999817902 - 10/2022
User Information
Safety Harness Connection Points
Connection Points for PPE
All scaffolding work must be carried out in such a way
as to minimize the risk of falling. The use of personal
protective equipment (PPE) against falls from height
may be required by locally applicable health and safety
legislation or as aresultof a risk assessment.The regu-
lations and guidelines of German Social Accident lnsur-
ance (DGUV) Rule 112-198 'Use of personal protective
equipment against falls from a height' in its current ver-
sion apply. lt should be noted that when using when
PPE, there must be adequate clearance below the
standing level, depending on the length of the lanyard
used, and the ground and/or obstacle below.
Safety harness connection points can be made either
on ledgers up to 2 m above the standing level or on the
rosettes in the small or large hole up to 1 m above the
standing level. When connecting the PPE to free-stand-
ing vertical standards, make sure that the post joint is
below the standing level.
Saftey Harness Connection Points
ln general, the anchorage point should be as high as
Anchor points for PPE