999817902 - 10/2022
User Information
Elementary safety warnings
User target groups
This booklet is aimed at all persons who will be work-
ing with the Doka product or system that it describes.
It contains information on the standard design for
setting up this system, and on correct, compliant uti-
lisation of the system.
All persons working with the product described
herein must be familiar with the contents of this
booklet and with all the safety instructions it contains.
Persons who are incapable of reading and under-
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif-
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus-
The customer is to ensure that the information mate-
rials provided by Doka are up to date and available
to all users, and that they have been made aware of
them and have easy access to them at the usage
In the relevant technical documentation and scaf-
folding utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use
the Doka products safely in the usage situations
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance
with national laws, standards and regulations
throughout the entire project and to take appropriate
additional or alternative workplace safety precau-
tions where necessary.
Hazard assessment
The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu-
menting, implementing and continually updating a
hazard assessment at every job-site.
This booklet serves as the basis for the site-specific
hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to
users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It
does not substitute for these, however.
Remarks on this booklet
This document can be used as general Instructions
for Assembly and Use (Method Statement) or be
incorporated into site-specific Instructions for
Assembly and Use (Method Statement).
The graphics, animations and videos in this doc-
ument or app sometimes depict partially assem-
bled assemblies and may require additional
safety equipment and/or measures to comply
with safety regulations.
The customer must ensure all applicable regulations
are complied with, even if they are not shown or
implied in the graphics, animations and videos pro-
Individual sections contain further safety
instructions and/or special warnings as applica-
Provide safe workplaces for those using the scaffold
(e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled, modi-
fied or repositioned etc). It must be possible to get to
and from these workplaces via safe access routes!
If you are considering any deviation from the
details and instructions given in this booklet, or
any application which goes beyond those
described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
culations must be produced for checking, as well
as supplementary assembly instructions.
Regulations; industrial safety
All laws, Standards, industrial safety regulations and
other safety rules applying to the utilisation of our
products in the country and/or region in which you
are operating must be observed at all times.
If a person or object falls against, or into, the side-
guard component and/or any of its accessories, the
component affected may only continue in use after it
has been inspected and passed by an expert.