User Information
999817902 - 10/2022
Risk Assessment
Prior to Starting Erection Conduct a Risk Assessment.
A Risk assessment is simply a means of determining
what could cause harm within your workplace and
developing suitable control measures to prevent acci-
dents. It is also a legal requirement and you have duties
under HSE legislation.
Before starting erection of Ringlock scaffolding, we
would recommend you consider the following:
Ensure that all scaffolders have seen the risk
assessment and ensure that they understand it.
Ensure that all scaffolding workers sign the risk
assessment form.
Double check the worksite, ensure that all scaffold-
ing workers have checked their tools.
Secure the work area, isolate from others and estab-
lish drop zones.
Consider the job at hand and ensure that nothing has
been missed.
Never be taken in by the 'Big Risk' and miss other
potential problems (such as trip hazards, people
working nearby, possibility of dropping objects etc.).
Once you start the erection work:
Never work outside the scope of the Risk Assess-
Always stop work and re-assess if conditions change
or if additional hazards, which are not included in the
Risk Assessment, become apparent.
Always stop work if you feel unsafe.
Three Part Side Protection
In accordance with Health and Safety Regulations it is
vitally important the scaffold user must maintain a three
part side protection when using the working platform.
This is easily achieved with Ringlock system scaffold.
The three part side protection consists of two Ledgers
at 500
mm and 1000
mm above the working platform
as Guardrails, and finished with a Toeboard to create
the edge barrier.
Top Guardrail
Intermediate Guardrail