’s Manual
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Record on Power On
In some applications, you may need the HQR1 DVR to record automatically
once the HQR1 DVR is powered on.
You can switch on the
Record on PowerOn
option in the HQR1 DVR Desktop.
The default status of record is manual record via IR remote control, LANC
remote control or push button.
DCS HQR1 DVR will beep or vibrate to warn you when it starts or stops recording,
In some special applications or occasion/environment, you may want to turn
this function off, you can disable beep/vibration function.
The default configuration is enable beep/vibrate feature, you can disable it in
DCS HQR1 DVR Configure Utility.
Siwtch off Enable Beep/Vibration options in DCS HQR1 DVR Configure Utility to
disable it, now you can operate DCS HQR1 DVR in silent mode.
Record Method : Normal & Cycle Record
You can configure the DCS HQR1 DVR in normal record or cycle record mode.
1. Normal Record Mode
In normal record mode, DCS HQR1 DVR will record video & save recordings in a
multi-single video file, the maximum size of a single recording video file is 2GB
depending on limit of system.