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The default record method is Normal mode.
You can select Normal
Record Method
option to enable normal record mode if
current configuration is cycle item.
If you want to use the HQR1 DVR in a surveillance application, you can set the
Record Method
to Cycle Record mode.
2. Single File Cycle Record Mode
The HQR1 DVR has two cycle record modes, Single File Cycle Record & Full Disk
Cycle Record mode.
In Single File Cycle Record mode, the HQR1 DVR will save recordings in single
file only, the maximum size of single recording video file is 2GB, when video
reaches the 2GB limit, the system will save the new recordings from the begin of
recorded video file.
If your CF card is smaller than 2GB, the HQR1 DVR will save recorded video in
single file only, when CF card is full, the system will save the new recorded video
from the beginning of the recorded video file.
You can select Cycle (Single File) item in
Record Method
option to enable
Single File Cycle Record mode.
3. Full Disk Cycle Record Mode
In Full Disk Cycle Record mode, the HQR1 DVR will record continually; when the
CF is full, the HQR1 DVR will record the video overwriting the oldest recorded