Docma Srl
, based in Verona, manufactures agricultural-forestry machinery: wood-splitters, log-split-
ters and portable forest winches.
The manufacturing process is completed when the machine is commissioned: this ensures a superior
quality product with high reliability. Each model is manufactured entirely using Italian-made compo-
The Docma log-splitter can be supplied based on specific user requirements: with electric motor, dou
ble pump, for power cultivators, for tractors, with combustion engine, with electric motor and tractor
connection, with hydraulic connection hoses.
Due to continuous technical evolution,
Docma Srl
reserves the right to make changes to the machine
at any time and without notice.
All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction and adaptation by any means is prohibited without the
written authorisation of
Docma Srl
This manual contains a total of 36 pages.
Edition 01/2012