UhsasManualRevE060405DMT.doc,26 / 34
laser temperature deviates by more than 20% from its set point, the laser
current cannot be enabled. Also, the set points for the laser current and
temperature are locked. Changing these parameters could cause
significant degradation in the performance of the instrument.
: reads the laser reference voltage from the monitor photodiode.
: reads the background DC molecular scatter level from the APD.
This should read around 0.200 V to 0.250 V when the pump laser is on.
: not used.
This tab holds all the instrument configuration parameters and reads some
housekeeping values.
: saves present instrument configuration to file. Will prompt for file
: loads saved instrument configuration file. Will prompt for file
name. The factory provided config file is called DMTSNxxCAL and
should not be overwritten. Choose a new file name for config files with
adjusted parameters.
Pulse width
: for each of the gain stages (G0,G1,G2,G3) this control sets a
window for acceptable particle pulse widths. A particle pulse must be