©2012 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.
motors stop, the Motors will re-start; Combination Stick Command (CSC) is not needed. If you
don’t push throttle stick after motors start in three seconds, motors will stop automatically.
By using Intelligent mode to stop motors, the motors will start or stop immediately when you
execute CSC. During normal flight conditions, you only have pull throttle stick under 10% will
not stop the motors in any control mode. You have to execute CSC to re-start motors if the
motors stop during the flight.
Red light quick blinking indicates battery voltage is low, please land ASAP.
Do NOT move any command sticks during system start and self-check! Please contact us if the
last four green blinks are abnormal.
GPS/Compass is sensitive to magnetic interference; you should be as far away from any
electronic devices as possible.
Do not fly in GPS Mode when the signal is not good (red light blinks)!
GPS module is optional (Nonstandard). If you are using the GPS module, please read the
Instructions about GPS matching in indicators; users without the GPS module can skip
contents about GPS.
If users set GPS Atti. Mode in Control Mode Switch without connecting to GPS module, the M.C.
will switch GPS Atti. Mode into Atti. Mode automatically, and LED indicator will Blink yellow.
If you are working in the Fail-Safe Mode, with GPS on, the aircraft motors will auto Automatticly
shut off when the craft has landed; without GPS the aircraft will not auto shut off when landed.
The receiver should be installed under the bottom board of center frame, and the head of
antenna is downward without any obstacles, this will help prevent any signal loss during flight
and the aircraft will be out of control, since the Radio signal may be lost by the obstacle.
Make sure all connections are correct and attachment contacts are in good condition before
Keep wireless video transmission equipment a distance away from the main controller (>25cm),
to prevent the main controller from getting any interference from the Wireless Video
If you use a gimbal, please make sure that the working current of the servos should not exceed
the power supply capacity of the VU; otherwise, it may cause the VU safeguard and lead to the
main controller reboot. Refer to the Specification section in the Appendix to get more VU