tst- c e l l
Test the sensor output signal and press [Enter]:
The lower row shows the sensor number [c01]
The upper row displays the sensor output code or error
message [* * * *].
Use [←] [→] key to cut the sensor display.
t e st- d s p
Display test
See section
8.1 for
Test output port
tst- p s u l
Test pulse input port
d **.**.**
current date
T **.**.**
current time
Set workflow number (factory default 00 means none)
1-14 corresponding to the fixed process listed in the
No.15 is an empty process. Note: 1-6 is the fixed
process of instrument and cannot be modified. 7-15 can
receive user written process through serial port.
Please refer to relevant process information for
DSP1 ***
In weighing state, display the contents on the upper
row of the display panel
Press [Enter] to display [KP1,, * *], indicating the
content of sub display in the lower row
See section 7.5 for details
DSP2 ***
In the weighing state, the contents displayed in the
lower row of the display panel are displayed
Press [Enter] to display [KP2,, * *], indicating the
content of sub display in the lower row
See section 7.4 for details
A: Select how to obtain user (user-1) level permissions
(1) Short circuit main serial port (NC) and (RXD),
(0) password login
B: Whether it is allowed to set the formula number (0
- not allowed, 1 - allowed), see relevant information
E: (1) remove accumulated control, (2) automatically
compensate temperature drift or creep
a-out 1
Set and adjust 1? Analog output port, see section 7.4
for details
a-out 2
Set and adjust the 2
analog output port, and the
operation is the same as above
a - i n
Set and adjust analog input port, see section 7.5 for
tst- r a m
Test ram, see section 8.1 for details
Quick reference table of group F parameters (continued 2)