Digium, Inc.
Page 31
Chapter 3: Telephone System Configuration
Log On to the Asterisk Appliance 50
Your Asterisk Appliance 50 should already be connected to an internet or
network connection, as described in Installing the Asterisk Appliance
50 on page 24. In the address field of an Asterisk Appliance 50 supported
web browser, enter the IP address assigned to your Asterisk Appliance 50.
The default LAN IP address is
Figure 5: GUI Login
To log on to the system enter the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: <password>
The first time you log on you will be prompted to change your password
from the default. You should have already chosen a new password during
the installation process. Once the log on process is complete the
AsteriskGUI home page will be displayed.