If time interval between seed drops is smaller than expected:
Use of unsuitable seed disk results homogenous, but too dense seed
drops. This case the program does not interpret it as double drop, but
the number of measured
seeds will be higher than 100
Too high vacuum causes the pick up of two or more seeds in one seed
disk hole. Incorrect singulator adjustment leads to similar problems
that result in multiple seed drops. This case time interval between
drops is very close, the program indicates
double drop
and seed count
is also more than 100.
If interval (=distance) between seeds is more than double of expected,
program interpret is
as missing seed
. Actually either seeds are missing or
seed spacing is inhomogeneous.
To determine real problem source, total seed count can help:
Total seeds are around 100:
inhomogeneous seed spacing (improper
seed separation, hindered seed drop…etc.)
Total seeds are less than 100:
seeds cannot be picked up from seed
feeder (inadequate air pressure, low hopper level, wrong selection of
seed disk hole diameter…etc.
In case of mixed symptoms (both multiple seed drops and missing seeds) total
seed count may indicate the resultant of the two factors.
In order to observe seeding homogenitiy in a longer period and analize related
seeder settings, an effective tool is the bar graph display method. The monitor
collects and displays data on the average of 40 m.
Numeric values of rows are accessible by pushing button repeatedly.
Analizing these data even slowly developing processes, tendencies can be
observed (loosing pressure, lowering seed level in hopper, increasing dust
layer on photosensors…etc.).
(See detailed description at CONTROL OF POPULATION RATIO.)