DSW21 Synchronous Communications Adapter
The DSW21 syncrhonous communications adapter is a
synchronous serial communications interface for the VAXstation
4000 Model 90 workstation. It has full modem control and
multiple protocol support. Figure 1–4 shows the DSW21
communications adapter.
Figure 1–4 Synchronous Communications Adapter
The adapter is an option board that connects internally to the
CPU board by a 64-pin option connector. It consists of the EDAL
interface, 128 KB UVEPROM, 256 KB static RAM, the MC68302
integrated multi-protocol processor (IMP), and I/O receivers and
drivers with static and lightning protection. The communications
I/O connector is a 50-pin D-subminiature plug that goes directly
through the back of the system cabinet. Figure 1–5 shows the
DSW21 connections.
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