SGEC, 1–9
Shared console interface area
overview, 2–32
SHOW CONFIG, 4–7, 5–9
SIM module (Single in-line memory
module), 6–28
Small Computer Systems Interface
SCSI, 1–9
Sound Generator, 1–10
power supply, 3–4 to 3–6
TURBOchannel, 6–63
TURBOchannel option (tab.), 6–63
SPXg 8-plane Option
removing, 6–28
SPXg 8-Plane Option, 6–28
SPXg/gt Module, 1–27
SPXg/gt Self-test
error codes, A–80
SPXg/gt utilities
Menu, 5–47
SPXg/gt Utilities, A–94
SPXgt 24-Plane Option, 6–34
Static discharge
where to touch to avoid (fig.), 6–56
Station Address ROM, 1–10
Switch B position, 6–31
Sync comm test
see Synchronous communication self-
test, 5–28
Synch communications device
system test
error codes, A–86
Synchronous communications adapter
cables, 6–43
environmental specifications, 6–45
installation, 6–44
specifications, 6–46
Synchronous communication self-test, 5–28
SYS Device Error Messages, A–21
System Bezel
removal, 6–42
System Board ROM, 1–25
System box
control panel, 3–8
external cabling, 3–11
I/O panel, 3–9
internal cabling, 3–6 to 3–7
mass storage device areas, 3–3
overview, 3–2
System box (cont’d)
specifications, 3–12
System console commands
see Console commands
System cover
removal, 6–7
replacement, 6–48
System devices
external, 3–11
internal, 3–7
System Error Messages
SCSI, A–84
System exerciser
command, 6–49
System firmware, 2–1
System FRU Locations, 6–4
System FRU Removal
before starting, 6–3
System hang, 5–90
System Module
KA49, 1–1
System Overview
system box, 1–2
System power-up sequence, 5–4
System ROM
overview, 2–11
Part Format, 2–13
physical addresses, 2–14
set format, 2–14
System Self-Test, 5–24
System Support Subsystem, 1–8
System test, 5–31
commands, 5–32
display of, 5–33
environments, 2–10, 5–31
overview, 2–10
example, 5–32
summary screens, 5–35
System Test Error Messages
COMM, A–86
System testing
after removal and replacement, 6–48
System Test Summary Screen
SCSI, A–85
SYS test
see System Self-Test, 5–24