Setting Push-button Mode
and the Push-button Interrupt Time
To set the Push-button Mode, this is displayed on line 3 of Screen 3, repeatedly press the Set Up key until the text
P.B. Mode is displayed on the left side of line 3. The P.B. Mode information displayed is made up of two parts separated by a blank
space. The left most digit indicates which button mode the Elite 500 is in and the right two digits represent the Push-button Interrupt
Time (in seconds). To change the Push-button Interrupt Time, repeatedly press the Next key until the selection arrows are to the right
of line 3. Once line 3 has been selected, press and release the Clear key the right two digits will now be blank indicating the unit is
ready to accept the new time. Now using numerical keys enter the new time, leading zeros do not have to be entered. For example if
a Push-button Interrupt Time of 10 seconds is desired 10 would be entered on the keypad. If only one number is entered for a time,
pressing the Next key will act as an enter key and the leading zero will displayed on the LCD. As the numbers are entered they are
shown on the display, indicating the numbers are accepted and entered into memory. If a mistake is made while entering the time,
press and release the Clear key and reenter the time again.
While line 3 is selected the Up arrow and Down arrow keys can be used to switch between the three Push-button Modes.
One button – one hit at the tree
Two buttons – two hits at the tree
One button – two hits at the tree
Setting the Selectable Function Output Mode (S.F.O.)
To set the Selectable Function Output mode, which is displayed on line 4 of Screen 3, repeatedly press the Set Up key until
the text
S.F.O. Mode
is displayed on the left side of line 4. There are five different S.F.O. modes (1-5) that are listed below. To
change the S.F.O. mode repeatedly press the Next key until the selection arrows are on the right side of line 4. Next use the Up
Arrow key to add one to the S.F.O. mode or the Down Arrow key to subtract one from the S.F.O, mode.
This sets the S.F.O. terminal up to Function as a Starting Line Enhancer (S.L.E.).
This sets the S.F.O. terminal up to function as a second Throttle Stop.
This sets the S.F.O. terminal up to function as a Line Lock Control.
This sets the S.F.O. terminal up to function as a second Transbrake output.
This turns the S.F.O. terminal completely off (no voltage out).
Bracket Mode Settings for Screens 4 & 5
The Elite 500 has two 4 Stage Timers called Timer 1 and Timer 2. All of the settings for Timer 1 are on Screen 4 and all of
the settings for Timer 2 are on Screen 5. When the Elite 500 is displaying Screen 4 or 5, the Stage 1 time is displayed on line 1, the
Stage 2 time is displayed on line 2, the Stage 3 time is displayed on line 3, and the Stage 4 time is displayed on line 4.
Setting Time Ranges (xx.xx or x.xxx)
for Timer 1 and Timer 2
To change the Time Range for Timer 1, repeatedly press the Set Up key until the text Timer 1 is displayed on the screen.
The Time Range controls the resolution of the first and second stages times only.
The first and second stage times can be set to
any number from 0.000 to 9.999 seconds when in “x.xxx” Range and from 00.00 to 99.99 seconds when in “xx.xx” Range. The
settings for Timer 1 and for Timer 2 do not have to be the same. However care should be taken to notice the decimal point location
when entering a stage time. To change a Timer Range press and hold the number
key until the decimal point moves to desired
location. The Range for Timer 2 can only be set if the S.F.O. mode is set to 2, if the S.F.O. mode is set to any other number other than
2, Timer 2 will not be displayed.
Setting Timer 1 and 2 Stage Times
To enter a new stage time for Timer 1, which is displayed on Screen 4, or Timer 2, which is displayed on Screen 5,
repeatedly press the Set Up key until the desired screen is displayed. Keep in mind that the screen for Timer 2 will only be displayed
if the S.F.O. mode is 2. When either Timer screen is first displayed, the selection arrows will be on line 2 (Stage 2). This means that
line 2 is selected, to change which line is selected use the Next key. Once the desired line has been selected press and release the
Clear key. The selected display line will now be blank indicating the unit is ready to accept the new time.
Now using numerical keys enter the new time, leading zeros do not have to be entered. For example if a time of 00.50 for a Stage 1
was desired and the Timer Range was set to xx.xx, 50 would be entered on the keypad. If less than four digits are entered for a time,