Understanding Push-button
Modes and Push-button Interrupt Time
To view the current Push-button Mode, repeatedly press the Set Up key until the text
P.B. Mode
is displayed on the left side
of line 3. The Push-button Mode information displayed is made up of two parts separated by a blank space, with the left digit
indicating the Push-button Mode and the two right digits indicating the Interrupt time. There are 3 different Push-button Modes listed
below, each button mode changes how the Elite 500 handles the input from the push-buttons, allowing the driver to select the
preferred method.
One button – one hit at the tree: This button mode should be used by anyone only planning on hitting the tree once.
Two buttons – two hits at the tree: This mode is used when wanting to hit the tree twice with two separate buttons.
One button – two hits at the tree: This mode is used when wanting to hit the tree twice with one button.
The Push-button Interrupt time is used to disable both the P.B. 1 and P.B. 2 inputs after the Transbrake releases. While the
push-buttons inputs are disabled, dashes will be shown on the display and if a push-button is pressed it will have no affect on the Elite
500. The main use of this feature is to protect against the reapplication of the Transbrake solenoid by accidentally hitting a push-
button connected to either P.B. 1 or P.B. 2 while making a pass.
Selectable Function Output (S.F.O.)
The Selectable Function Output is a single output that can be programmed to function in four separate ways. Each of the
separate functions is listed below with an explanation of the setting basic function. Once the basic understanding of the settings is
understood, additional uses may be thought of.
When the S.F.O. is set to a one, the S.F.O. Functions as a Starting Line Enhancer (S.L.E.). This means a Throttle
Stop connected to the S.F.O. will control the starting line RPM.
When the S.F.O. is set to a two, the S.F.O. Functions as a second 4 Stage Timer. This means that a Throttle Stop
with dual solenoids can have a separate 4 Stage Timer driving each solenoid. Another function would be to control
a stage of NOS.
When the S.F.O. is set to a three, the S.F.O. Functions as a Line Lock Control. This means that when the Line Lock
solenoids are connected to the S.F.O. terminal they will engage when either the push-button connected to the Line
Lock terminal is pressed (burn out) or when the Transbrake is engaged (starting line).
When the S.F.O. is set to a four the S.F.O. functions as a second Transbrake output. This means that if the main
Transbrake output has been damaged in some way, the S.F.O. can be used as a spare until the box can be shipped
back for repairs.
When the S.F.O. is set to a five the output is turn off.
Because the S.F.O. can be used to control the Transbrake solenoid a safety circuit for the S.F.O. had to be designed into the
Elite 500. When the S.F.O. mode is set to 3, 4, or 5 the operation of the safety circuit is transparent. When the S.F.O. mode is set to
either 1 or 2 the Elite 500 will always work when a push-button is pressed. However when setting the Throttle modes for Timer 2 the
terminal strip output will not respond until the safety circuit is first reset. To reset the safety circuit simply run a delay cycle by
pressing and releasing a push-button connected to either P.B. 1 or P.B. 2.
Understanding the Starting Line Enhancer
This is to help the racer understand how the Starting Line Enhancer works. When turned on, the Starting Line Enhancer will
close the throttle under two different conditions, first if either the Tap-Up push-button or Tap-Down push-button is pressed before a
Transbrake button and second when the Transbrake Push Button is pressed. After the throttle has been closed the Starting Line
Enhancer will open the throttle at the programmed amount of time before the Transbrake is released.
The S.L.E. time is shown as four digits on line 1 of Screen 3. The four digits show the amount of time that the throttle will
open up before the
All number from 00.00 to 99.99 can be used as a S.L.E. time, with the exceptions
of 11.11 and 22.22, which are described below. If the Starting Line Enhancer time is greater than the delay time, the throttle will
open as soon as a
Transbrake push-button is released
. If this is desired simply enter all nines (99.99). If all zeros (00.00) are
entered the throttle will open up when the Transbrake releases. Using all ones (11.11) will pre-set the release of the throttle at eight
tenths of a second before the Transbrake releases. This means that approximately two tenths of a second after your top yellow the
throttle will open up. The benefit of the throttle opening up at this time is that it will not be a distraction when using your top yellow
for a second hit at the tree.