Pro Mode Settings for Screen 4
The Elite 500 can handle up to five shifts on each pass. The shifts occur in sequence 1 through 5, after the Transbrake
releases. The Elite 500 will only display Screen 4 if Multi-shift is set to more than one shift on the Bracket side. When Screen 4 is
displayed the Shift Points are displayed on line 1, the Shift Numbers are displayed on line 2, Multi-shift is displayed on line 3, and
Shift Mode is displayed on line 4.
Setting Multi-Shift
The Multi-Shift value is displayed on line 3. The Elite 500 uses the information entered for the Multi-shift to help reduce
errors and speed up data entry for the Shift Points. The Multi-shift setting should be set to the same number as the number of shifts
the vehicle requires. To set the Multi-shift, use the Setup key to get to Screen 6 then use the Next key to select line 3. Next use the
Up or Down Arrow key to set the Multi-shift amount.
Setting Shift Number and Shift Points
The Shift Number is displayed on line 2 and corresponds to the displayed Shift Point, which means if the Shift Number being
displayed is a 2, the displayed Shift Point would be for the second shift. To view all of the Shift Points, move the selection arrows
until they appear on lines 1 and 2 by repeatedly pressing the Next key. Now each time a Scrolling Arrow key is pressed and released
the Shift Number will increase or decrease by one and the corresponding Shift Point will be displayed on line 1. After making sure the
correct Shift Number is selected and selection arrows are on the top 2 lines, press the Clear key. Now using numerical keys enter the
new Shift Point, leading zeros do not have to be entered. For example if a time of 0.800 for a Shift Point was desired 800 would be
entered on the keypad. If less than four digits are entered for a Shift Point, pressing the Next key will act as an enter key and the
leading zeros will be displayed on the LCD. As the numbers are entered they are shown on the display, indicating the numbers are
accepted and entered into memory. If a mistake is made while entering the Shift Point, press and release the Clear key and reenter the
Shift Point again.
Setting Shift Mode
The Shift Mode setting corresponds to the operation of Shift terminal on the Elite 500. To change the Shift Mode, move the
selection arrows to line 4, press and release a Scrolling Arrow key. Each time a Scrolling Arrow key is pressed and released the Shift
Mode will toggle between the “HI” and “LO” settings. When the Shift Mode is set to “HI” (normally open) it means that every time a
Shift Point is reached the Shift terminal will go from a low (0 Volts) to a high (12 Volts). When the Shift Mode is set to “LO”
(normally closed) it means that every time a Shift Point is reached the Shift terminal will go from a high (12 Volts) to a low (0 Volts).
How the Elite 500 Works
Understanding Pro Mode
The Pro Mode feature of the Elite 500 was designed especially for vehicles that are used in Pro Light racing. Pro Mode has
its own set of screens and settings. Most of these settings are unique to Pro Mode and have no effect on the unit when the Elite 500 is
running in Bracket Mode. However some settings are common to both Bracket Mode and Pro Mode. These are the P.T.S.O. value,
the S.F.O mode, Multi-shift, and the Shift Output Mode. If you are in Pro Mode and want to change either the P.T.S.O. value or the
S.F.O mode, you will have to do so in the Bracket Mode set up screens. If Multi-shift is set to more than one shift you can the Shift
Output Mode in both Bracket and Pro Mode. If Multi-shift is set to only one shift the Shift Output Mode can only be set in Bracket
Mode. Like anything else in the Elite 500, once set, these settings will not change unless you go in and change them.
The main screen for Pro Mode is the Pro Screen, which has the first Shift Point, Stages 1 and 2 of Pro Timer 1, and the Pro
Delay. When in Pro Mode, the Pro Screen has the settings that are needed most when racing.