ColourTheme 3 - RGB DMX Controller
User Manual
7.1 - 17 September 2020
Page 18 of 20
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Appendix B. Serial Command Examples
Example 1
This example will set the Colour Theme Controller to show 36. The command
consists of the desired show number in ASCII (36) followed by the carriage
return character (shown here as
). If the Colour Theme Controller is off, this
command will turn it on as well as setting it to show 36. Note that there are no spaces in the command.
Example 2
This command is equivalent to Example 1. Any show number can be padded
out to 3 digits with leading 0’s.
Example 3
This command will turn the Colour Theme Controller off.
Example 4
As 500 is an unimplemented show, this command will turn the Colour Theme
Controller on. If the unit is already on, this command will have no effect.
Example 5
This command will set the dim level to 100%.
Example 6
This command will set the dim level to 10%
Example 7
This command demonstrates how a show and dim level can be sent in a single
command. The command will set the Colour Theme Controller to show 36
with dim level set to 50%. Note there are no spaces in this command.