ColourTheme 3 - RGB DMX Controller
User Manual
7.1 - 17 September 2020
Page 7 of 20
+617 3899 1267
S e t t i n g
D e s c r i p t i o n
V a l i d
R a n g e
D e f a u l t
V a l u e
DMX Start Address
Channel to start the RGB triplet (all address before
this will transmit as 0)
Channel Repeat
Number of times to repeat the RGB triplet
1 - 170
Echo enabled
Controls if commands are sent back (echoed) to
the user when sending serial commands
Serial Interface mode
Selects between Serial Command String or C-Bus
Serial Command
C-Bus Lighting
C-Bus Lighting Application Address. Only available
when in C-Bus Serial Mode
C-Bus Base Group
C-Bus Base Group Address. Only available when in
C-Bus Serial Mode
Table 2 Settings in User Configuration.
Figure 2 Starting menu in configuration mode.
Serial Commands
This mode provides a simple method to control the Colour Theme Controller via a PC (or any device in
which the serial data output can be formatted correctly, which includes a number of home
automation/lighting control systems.). If echo is enabled, characters sent will be echoed back, unless an
incorrect character is detected (i.e. not a number), in which case all characters will be ignored until the
carriage return character is detected.
The command to set the currently running show is simply a 1 to 3 digit number (transmitted in ASCII)
representing the desired show followed by the carriage return character. If a value of 0 is entered, the unit
will turn off. It can be turned on again by entering any number, if the number is an unimplemented show,
the Colour Theme Controller will resume the previous show. Entering an unimplemented show when
already on will have no effect.
The command to
dim is the ‘
‘ character followed by a single ASCII digit, with 0 represent dim level 10 (ie
100%). A dim command can directly follow a show command. Refer to Appendix B. Serial Command
Examples for further explanation.
The C-Bus system may have further limitations to these values.
Digilin Colour Theme Controller V3
Software Version 2.3
User Configuration
1. Set DMX Start Address
2. Set Times to repeat Channel
3. Enable/Disable Echo in Serial Command String Mode
4. Set serial interface mode
5. Set CBUS Lighting Application Address
6. Set CBUS Base Group Address
Enter your Selection