Chapter 7
Chapter 7 BIOS Setup
Exit Saving Changes
Select this field and press <Enter> to exit BIOS setup and save your changes.
Load Optimal Defaults
Select this field and press <Enter> to load the optimal defaults.
Discard Changes
Select this field and press <Enter>to exit the BIOS setup without saving your changes.
Updating the BIOS
To update the BIOS, you will need the new BIOS file and a flash utility. Please contact techni-
cal support or your sales representative for the latest BIOS file and the firmware update utility.
For instructions on how to update BIOS with the flash utility, please see
from the Knowledge Base of the DFI website.
Read file successfully. (path= “platform.ini”)
Insyde H20FFT (Flash Firmware Tool) Version (SEG)
Copyright(c) 2012 - 2016, Insyde Software Corp. All Rights Reserved.
Current BIOS Model name: GM330
New BIOS Model name: GM330
Current BIOS version: 68.08A
New BIOS version: 68.08A
Updating Block at FFFFF000h
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Please do not remove the AC power