Chapter 7
Chapter 7 BIOS Setup
CPU Smart Fan Function
Enable or disable CPU mart fan control (the default is enabled).
Boundary 1 to Boundary 4
Set the boundary temperatures that determine the operation of the fan with different fan
speeds accordingly. For example, when the CPU temperature reaches boundary tempera-
ture 1, the CPU fan should be turned on and operate at the designated speed.
The range of the temperature is from 0 to 127
Fan Speed Count 1 to Fan Speed Count 4
Set the fan speed. The range is from 1 (lowest speed)-100% (full speed).
Smart Fan Function
This section sets the smart fan function.
CPU Smart Fan Function
Enable or disable CPU mart fan control (the default is enabled).
Fix Fan Speed Count
Set a constant fan speed. The range is from 1 (lowest speed)-100% (full speed).