Jumper JP50
High Speed Mode for VL-Bus Board
Set Jumper JP50 to Off only if the VESA VL-Bus
add-on board(s) installed in the VL-Bus slots support
Zero Wait State. If you are not sure that your add-on
board(s) support Zero Wait State, set JP50 to On;
otherwise, a system error may occur.
On: Write One Wait State
Off: Write Zero Wait State
Jumper JP51
CPU Speed for VL-Bus Board
If a VL-Bus board is installed in the G486-EVB system
board, Jumper JP51 must be set to On if the CPU speed
is greater than 33MHz. Set JP51 to Off if the CPU
speed is less than or equal to 33MHz.
On: CPU Speed > 33MHz
Off: CPU Speed <= 33MHz
Installation Overview