Chapter 3
- BIOS Settings
NCT6116D HW Monitor
This section displays the hardware health monitor.
► Smart Fan Function
Please refer to the following pages.
Case Open
Enable or disable the case open detection function.
CPU Smart Fan Mode
Enable or disable the system smart fan. When set to “Manual mode”, fan speed will not be
controllable according to different system temperatures. Instead, a “Manual PWM Setting” field
will be displayed to configure at which speed the fan will always be fixed regardless of system
When “CPU Smart Fan Mode” is set to “SMART FAN IV”, the following fields will appear.
Boundary 1 to Boundary 4
Set the boundary temperatures that determine the fan speeds accordingly, the value ranging
from 0-127oC. For example, when the system temperature reaches Boundary 1 setting, the fan
speed will be turned up to the designated speed of the Fan Speed Count 1 field.
Speed Count 1 to Speed Count 4
Set the fan speed, the value ranging from 1-100%, 100% being full speed. The fans will oper-
ate according to the specified boundary temperatures above-mentioned.
► Smart Fan Function
NCT6116D HW Monitor