6. Startup and Shutdown
Before star�ng the inverter, make sure that the inverter can meet the following condi�ons,
otherwise it may result in fire or damage to the inverter. In this case, we do not undertake
any responsibility. At the same �me, to op�mize the system configura�on, it is recommended
that the two inputs be connected to the same number of photovoltaic modules.
a). The maximum open voltage of each set of photovoltaic modules shall not exceed
1000Vdc under any condi�ons.
b). Each input of the inverter be�er use the same type of photovoltaic module in series.
c). Total output power of pv shall not exceed the maximum input power of inverter, each
photovoltaic modules shall not exceed the rated power of each channel.
When the inverter is out of the factory, the installa�on loca�on of datalogger is sealed by a sealed
plate as shown in Picture 5.13. When installing the datalogger, remove the sealing plate, replace it
with the sealing plate with square hole in the accessories, and �ghten the screws. Insert the
datalogger into the interface and fix it with a screw. The configura�on of the datalogger needs to
be performed a�er various electrical connec�ons have been completed and the inverter DC power
on. When the inverter is on the DC power, it is determined whether the datalogger is normally
electrified (The LED light shines out of the shell).
5.6 Installa�on of datalogger
For the configura�on of datalogger, please refer to illustra�ons of the datalogger.
5.7 Configura�on of datalogger
Pic 5.13 Datalogger installa�on diagram