High-performance automatic gun
2.7 Requirement for the entering of spray booths
Danger of inhaling substances hazardous to your health!
During the spraying operation, no persons are permitted to remain in the spray
The concentration of solvent in the air must be under the limit that is harmful to
health. If appropriate, wear suitable protective breathing equipment when entering
the spray booth.
2.8 Explosive areas (DIN EN 12215)
The categorisation of danger zones is a significant component of the safety
concept for explosion protection. The ignition protection type of equipment and
components integrated into the spray booth depends on the limit of
concentration for flammable substances by technical ventilation.
a) If the concentration of flammable substances is limited to less than 25% of the
, the inside of the spray booth, including ambient and exhaust air lines,
together with external areas formed around permanent openings at a distance of
up to 1 m should be categorised as Zone 2.
b) If the concentration of flammable substances is between 25% and 50% of the
, the inside of the spray booth, including ambient and exhaust air lines,
should be categorised as Zone 1.
c) If the concentration of flammable substances is between 25% and 50% of the
, external areas formed around permanent openings at a distance of up to
1 m should be categorised as Zone 2.
This categorisation of areas with explosive atmospheres into zones corresponds
to the category for ignition protection type according to prEN 13463-1.
Example of zone categorisation in a spray booth with open access side
(spraying stand)
Categorisation of danger zones into Zone 1 or Zone 2