User Manual v4.09
Configuring relays
The next two tabs allow you to set the names of the 32 relays that will be displayed on the ap-
plication page.
Use the Relay No. box to select the relay to configure. There are 32 relays available. Relays 1-
24 are the physical relays on the module. Relays 25-32 are virtual relays, they have no physi-
cal presence but otherwise behave the same as the real ones. I/O lines may be linked to vir-
tual relays to provide additional physical outputs, see next section for details.
Names may be up to 20 characters long,but keep them shorter if you want to use a phone as
the controller. Here we have renamed relay 1 as “YardLights” and those 10 characters are a
comfortable size on a vertical phone screen.
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