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This section describes software license used for DVD-A1UD. To maintain the correct content, the 

original (English) is used.





Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991  

Free  Software  Foundation,  Inc.  59  Temple  Place,  Suite 

330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Everyone  is  permitted  to  copy  and  distribute  verbatim 

copies  of  this  license  document,  but  changing  it  is  not 



The licenses for most software are designed to take away 

your  freedom  to  share  and  change  it.    By  contrast,  the 

GNU General Public

License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share 

and  change  free  software--to  make  sure  the  software  is 

free for all its users.  This General Public License applies 

to most of the Free Software Foundations software and 

to any other program whose authors commit to using it.  

(Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered 

by the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You 

can apply it to your programs, too.

When  we  speak  of  free  software,  we  are  referring  to 

freedom,  not  price.    Our  General  Public  Licenses  are 

designed  to  make  sure  that  you  have  the  freedom  to 

distribute  copies  of  free  software  (and  charge  for  this 

service if you wish), that you receive source code or can 

get it if you want it, that you can change the software or 

use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know 

you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that 

forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to 

surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain 

responsibilities  for  you  if  you  distribute  copies  of  the 

software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, 

whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all 

the rights that you have.  You must make sure that they, 

too, receive or can get the source code.  And you must 

show them these terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the 

software,  and  (2)  offer  you  this  license  which  gives  you 

legal  permission  to  copy,  distribute  and/or  modify  the 


Also, for  each author’s protection and ours,  we want  to 

make certain that everyone understands that there is no 

warranty for this free software.  If the software is modified 

by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients 

to  know  that  what  they  have  is  not  the  original,  so  that 

any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the 

original authors’ reputations.

Finally,  any  free  program  is  threatened  constantly  by 

software  patents.    We  wish  to  avoid  the  danger  that 

redistributors  of  a  free  program  will  individually  obtain 

patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary.  

To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must 

be licensed for everyone’s free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution 

and modification follow.







0.  This  License  applies  to  any  program  or  other  work 

which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder 

saying  it  may  be  distributed  under  the  terms  of  this 

General Public License.  The “Program”, below, refers 

to  any  such  program  or  work,  and  a  “work  based 

on  the  Program”  means  either  the  Program  or  any 

derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a 

work containing the Program or a portion of it, either 

verbatim  or  with  modifications  and/or  translated  into 

another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included 

without  limitation  in  the  term  “modification”.)    Each 

licensee is addressed as “you”.

Activities  other  than  copying,  distribution  and 

modification  are  not  covered  by  this  License;  they 

are outside its scope.  The act of running the Program 

is not restricted, and the output from the Program is 

covered  only  if  its  contents  constitute  a  work  based 

on the Program (independent of having been made by 

running the Program). Whether that is true depends on 

what the Program does.

1.  You  may  copy  and  distribute  verbatim  copies  of  the 

Program’s source code as you receive it, in any medium, 

provided  that  you  conspicuously  and  appropriately 

publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice 

and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices 

that  refer  to  this  License  and  to  the  absence  of  any 

warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program 

a copy of this License along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring 

a  copy,  and  you  may  at  your  option  offer  warranty 

protection in exchange for a fee.

2.  You may modify your copy or copies of the Program 

or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the 

Program, and copy and distribute such modifications 

or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided 

that you also meet all of these conditions:

a)  You must cause the modified files to carry prominent 

notices stating that you changed the files and the 

date of any change.

b)  You  must  cause  any  work  that  you  distribute 

or  publish,  that  in  whole  or  in  part  contains  or  is 

derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be 

licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties 

under the terms of this License.

c)  If the modified program normally reads commands 

interactively  when  run,  you  must  cause  it,  when 

started running for such interactive use in the most 

ordinary way, to print or display an announcement 

including  an  appropriate  copyright  notice  and  a 

notice  that  there  is  no  warranty  (or  else,  saying 

that  you  provide  a  warranty)  and  that  users  may 

redistribute  the  program  under  these  conditions, 

and  telling  the  user  how  to  view  a  copy  of  this 


(Exception:  if  the  Program  itself  is  interactive  but 

does  not  normally  print  such  an  announcement, 

your work based on the Program is not required to 

print an announcement.)

These  requirements  apply  to  the  modified  work  as 

a whole.  If identifiable sections of that work are not 

derived  from  the  Program,  and  can  be  reasonably 

considered  independent  and  separate  works  in 

themselves,  then  this  License,  and  its  terms,  do  not 

apply to those sections when you distribute them as 

separate  works.    But  when  you  distribute  the  same 

sections as part of a whole which is a work based on 

the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on 

the terms of this License, whose permissions for other 

licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each 

and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights 

or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; 

rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the 

distribution of derivative or collective works based on 

the Program.

In  addition,  mere  aggregation  of  another  work  not 

based  on  the  Program  with  the  Program  (or  with  a 

work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage 

or distribution medium does not bring the other work 

under the scope of this License.

3.  You  may  copy  and  distribute  the  Program  (or  a 

work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or 

executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 

above provided that you also do one of the following:

a)  Accompany  it  with  the  complete  corresponding 

machine-readable  source  code,  which  must  be 

distributed  under  the  terms  of  Sections  1  and  2 

above on a medium customarily used for software 

interchange; or,

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least 

three years, to give any third party, for a charge no 

more than your cost of physically performing source 

distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of 

the  corresponding  source  code,  to  be  distributed 

under  the  terms  of  Sections  1  and  2  above  on  a 

medium customarily used for software interchange; 


c)  Accompany it with the information you received as 

to the offer to distribute corresponding source code.  

(This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial 

distribution and only if you received the program in 

object code or executable form with such an offer, 

in accord with Subsection b above.)

The  source  code  for  a  work  means  the  preferred 

form of the work for making modifications to it.  For 

an executable work, complete source code means all 

the source code for all modules it contains, plus any 

associated  interface  definition  files,  plus  the  scripts 

used  to  control  compilation  and  installation  of  the 


However,  as  a  special  exception,  the  source  code 

distributed need not include anything that is normally 

distributed  (in  either  source  or  binary  form)  with  the 

major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the 

operating system on which the executable runs, unless 

that component itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by 

offering access to copy from a designated place, then 

offering equivalent access to copy the source code from 

the  same  place  counts  as  distribution  of  the  source 

code,  even  though  third  parties  are  not  compelled  to 

copy the source along with the object code.


4.  You  may  not  copy,  modify,  sublicense,  or  distribute 

the Program except as expressly provided under this 

License.    Any  attempt  otherwise  to  copy,  modify, 

sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will 

automatically terminate your rights under this License. 

However, parties who have received copies, or rights, 

from you under this License will not have their licenses 

terminated  so  long  as  such  parties  remain  in  full 


5.  You are not required to accept this License, since you 

have not signed it.  However, nothing else grants you 

permission to modify or distribute the Program or its 

derivative  works.    These  actions  are  prohibited  by 

law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by 

modifying  or  distributing  the  Program  (or  any  work 

based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance 

of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions 

for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or 

works based on it.

6.  Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work 

based  on  the  Program),  the  recipient  automatically 

receives  a  license  from  the  original  licensor  to  copy, 

distribute  or  modify  the  Program  subject  to  these 

terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further 

restrictions  on  the  recipients’  exercise  of  the  rights 

granted herein. 

You  are  not  responsible  for  enforcing  compliance  by 

third parties to this License.

7.  If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation 

of  patent  infringement  or  for  any  other  reason  (not 

limited  to  patent  issues),  conditions  are  imposed  on 

you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) 

that contradict the conditions of this License, they do 

not excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If 

you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously 

your  obligations  under  this  License  and  any  other 

pertinent  obligations,  then  as  a  consequence  you 

may  not  distribute  the  Program  at  all.    For  example, 

if  a  patent  license  would  not  permit  royalty-free 

redistribution of the Program by all those who receive 

copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only 

way you could satisfy both it and this License would 

be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If  any  portion  of  this  section  is  held  invalid  or 

unenforceable  under  any  particular  circumstance, 

the  balance  of  the  section  is  intended  to  apply  and 

the  section  as  a  whole  is  intended  to  apply  in  other 


It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to 

infringe any patents or other property right claims or 

to contest validity of any such claims; this section has 

the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free 

software  distribution  system,  which  is  implemented 

by  public  license  practices.    Many  people  have 

made  generous  contributions  to  the  wide  range  of 

software  distributed  through  that  system  in  reliance 

on  consistent  application  of  that  system;  it  is  up  to 

the  author/donor  to  decide  if  he  or  she  is  willing  to 

distribute  software  through  any  other  system  and  a 

licensee cannot impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what 

is  believed  to  be  a  consequence  of  the  rest  of  this 


Содержание DVD-A1UD

Страница 1: ...ation are for the Remote Control Unit You can operate the unit using the button of the same name on the front panel of the unit Die in diesem Handbuch verwendeten Tasten Illustrationen f r die Betrieb...

Страница 2: ...del enchufe de la pared El enchufe de la alimentaci n el ctrica se utiliza para interrumpir por completo el suministro de alimentaci n el ctrica a la unidad y debe de encontrarse en un lugar al que el...

Страница 3: ...cuando est instalado en la consola Vermijd hoge temperaturen Zorg er bij installatie in een audiorack voor dat de door het toestel geproduceerde warmte goed kan worden afgevoerd Undvik h ga temperatu...

Страница 4: voorschriften Volg voor het wegdoen van de speler de voorschriften voor de verwijdering van wit en bruingoed op Batterijen mogen nooit worden weggegooid of verbrand maar moeten volgens de plaatseli...

Страница 5: ...Displays 24 Language Setup 25 HDMI Setup 25 Video Setup 26 Audio Setup 27 DENON LINK Setup 30 Pure Direct Setup 30 Ratings 31 Network Setup 31 Display Setup 32 Other Setup 32 Various Settings Setting...

Страница 6: ...Processing installed on all channels to enhance HD audio performance Detailed picture rendering with minimal distortion accurate sound localization and rich bass Achieves playback more faithful to the...

Страница 7: ...her system equipment before moving the unit About Care Wipe the cabinet and control panel clean with a soft cloth Follow the instructions when using a chemical cleaner Benzene paint thinner or other o...

Страница 8: ...on Symbols Used in this Owner s Manual DVD R RW R RW CD R RW DVD CD SD Memory Cards SD MP3 mp3 S S Sampling frequency 44 1 kHz 48 kHz Bit rate 64 kbps 320 kbps 144 kbps non compatible Audio type MPEG...

Страница 9: ...r Audio CDs contain an HD High Density layer with high density Super Audio CD signals This layer can contain a stereo channel area a multi channel area or both a stereo channel and multi channel area...

Страница 10: labels on discs Water droplets may form on discs if they are moved suddenly from a cold place outdoors for example to a warm place but do not try to dry them off using a hairdryer etc Do not ejec...

Страница 11: battery disposal Operating Range of the Remote Control Unit Point the remote control unit at the remote sensor when operating it 30 30 Approx 7 m NOTE The set may function improperly or the remote...

Страница 12: ...e indicators 1 During Playback 3 During pause and step by step playback PROG During program playback RAND During random playback 1 A B During repeat playback w Information display Displays various inf...

Страница 13: AC IN 22 u HDMI OUT connectors 13 14 Signals output from each terminal change depending on the HDMI mode setting i COMPONENT VIDEO OUT connectors 19 o S VIDEO OUT connector 19 Q0 VIDEO OUT connecto...

Страница 14: ...T 37 o ENTER button 24 Q0 SETUP button S 23 Q1 Fast reversing button 6 45 Q2 Pause Still button 3 43 45 Q3 Revers skip button 8 43 Q4 ANGLE button 49 Q5 DISPLAY button 36 Q6 RED GRN YEL BLU buttons Q7...

Страница 15: with an Analog Multi channel Audio Input Terminal vpage 18 Video Analog video connection Connection to an AV Amp with No HDMI Video Input vpage 19 2 Playing Back with a Direct Connection to a TV v...

Страница 16: ...tions Sold separately Optical cable Analog connections balanced Sold separately Balanced cable Analog connections stereo surround 1 included R L R L Stereo pin plug cable Analog connections center sub...

Страница 17: ...t on GUI menu to On vpage 30 b Using an HDMI Cable to Connect to an AV Amp or Television Default settings are underlined Video and Audio Output Signal when Outputting to 2 HDMI Devices HDMI Auto Dual...

Страница 18: ...t Make the appropriate audio connections for your devices vpage 15 21 The video signal will be in RGB format You cannot output to a DVI D device that does not support HDCP high bandwidth digital conte...

Страница 19: be connected Setting items About output signal and speaker settings Device with the following built in decoder Dolby TrueHD Dolby Digital Plus Dolby Digital DTS HD DTS Auto DVD A1UD outputs a bits...

Страница 20: ...z2 Super Audio CD audio signals are output at 44 1 kHz 16 bit Even if HDMI Setup Audio Setup on the GUI menu is set to Auto vpage 25 multilinear PCM or downmixed 2 channel linear PCM signals are outpu...

Страница 21: ...Audio Signal from the Digital Audio Output Optical Coaxial Terminal The DVD A1UD can convert and output digital audio signal format recorded on media Convert the digital audio signal in accordance wit...

Страница 22: ...inal connect using audio cable sold separately When you connect the DVD A1UD to a DENON LINK 4th compatible AV Amp using DENON LINK cable and HDMI cable during BD playback the DVD A1UD s circuit opera...

Страница 23: ...rohibit signals which will disturb the screen image When playing NTSC disc DVD A1UD s video output becomes NTSC signal format When playing PAL disc DVD A1UD s video output becomes PAL signal format su...

Страница 24: ...ct Audio Setup XLR vpage 30 from the GUI menu beforehand to match the device to be connected 6 0 6 0 3 Stereo NOTE Do not short circuit between each terminals When making connections check the input t...

Страница 25: ...ater recommended An Ethernet cable is not included with the DVD A1UD For Ethernet cable we recommend you use shielded straight cable normal type If you use the flat type or a non shielded cable the no...

Страница 26: ...ined for about 30 minutes and then the power is turned automatically to standby Turning the Power On When power is switched to standby Either press on the unit or press on the remote control The power...

Страница 27: ...o Component Resolution n n DENON LINK Setup vpage 30 DENON LINK Mode n Pure Direct Setup vpage 30 User Preset 1 User Preset 2 n n Ratings vpage 31 Password BD Rating Level DVD Rating Level n n n Displ...

Страница 28: ...nnel AFDM Compression Source Direct BD Effect Sound Set to output analog 7 1ch audio RATINGS BD Enter the country code 1 a n A N _ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Space b c d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u v w x y...

Страница 29: ...solution corresponding with both and that of the larger panel is output Color Space Set the video signal system to be output from HDMI GHDMI 1H or GHDMI 2H Set the video signal system to be output fro...

Страница 30: ...han 4th first and then change the setting Setting items Setting contents TV Aspect Aspect ratio Set the screen type and display mode of the TV 16 9 Squeeze Auto Output to a wide screen TV For 4 3 vide...

Страница 31: ...distance for multi channel playback NOTE When outputting multi channel audio set to surround sound by the DVD A1UD to the analog input of an AV Amp set so that the AV Amp outputs audio without modifi...

Страница 32: ...og audio output becomes the 5 1 channel output as well Audio Setup Setting items Setting contents 7 1ch Audio Out n Channel Level Set the volume of the test tone to be the same when it is output from...

Страница 33: ...ting is valid when Audio Setup 7 1ch Audio Out on the GUI menu is set to vpage 32 and when HDMI Setup Audio Setup on the GUI menu is set to Multi LPCM BM On vpage 25 This setting is invalid when Audio...

Страница 34: ...cted device is low The default DVD A1UD balance model XLR audio connectors pin alignment is as shown q GROUND w HOT e COLD Setting items Setting contents User Preset 1 User Preset 2 This sets the oper...

Страница 35: ...oxy server if necessary GOnH Automatically configure the network by the DHCP function GOffH When connecting to a network which does not have the DHCP function manually configure the following network...

Страница 36: ...during standby Power Saving Standby This is the lowest power consumption mode During standby operations are not accepted via HDMI control or RS 232C Normal Standby This is the low power consumption m...

Страница 37: Setup Remote control operation buttons Displaying the menu Cancel the menu Moves the cursor Up Down Left Right Decision the setting Return to previous menu Setup You can set the audio mode and chan...

Страница 38: for compressed audio source of MP3 WMA AAC Dolby Digital DTS and MPEG This setting is invalid when Audio Setup Source Direct on the GUI menu is set to On vpage 29 and when DENON LINK Setup DENON LI...

Страница 39: in memory When Finishing Picture Adjustment Press during picture adjustment When Outputting Standard Picture Quality without Using Picture Adjustment Press and to select Standard and then press n n...

Страница 40: ...Turn the DVD A1UD power on When playing back a bonus view before turning on the power of the DVD A1UD insert a SD Memory Card that has at least 1GB and has been initialized by DVD A1UD b 3 Press to se...

Страница 41: not on the disc the current playback display reappears b Select Decision Number entry Disc Information Display SA CD MP3 WMA AAC Title Artist name Album title n About the time display and HDMI out...

Страница 42: ...rst Secondary Video 2 X z Displays the second Secondary Video X Xz Displays the X th Secondary Video z X is the number of Secondary Videos recorded and differs depending on the disc n Main video prima...

Страница 43: ...Playback preparation Before Playing a Disc vpage 36 2 Press Playback begins 1 Playback preparation Before Playing a Disc vpage 36 2 Select the part for playback with Audio Plays back the audio part V...

Страница 44: ...includes the root folder Number of folder directory levels 8 levels Number of folders 999 Number of files 9999 Number of text display characters File name Folder name 32 Artist name title etc 60 Text...

Страница 45: ...n During Playback vpage 42 File Playback DVD CD SD MP3 WMA AAC LPCM DivX JPEG 1 Turn the DVD A1UD power on 2 Press and select the playback media mode DISC MODE Playing disc SD CARD MODE Playing SD mem...

Страница 46: ...may be longer than the set time Playback mode display File name Artist name Album Title Changing the Still Image being Played Back Press Before playback or display of next image Pausing the Display Pr...

Страница 47: ...back Resume Function BD DVD A DVD V DVD SA CD CD SD MP3 WMA AAC LPCM DivX Skipping to the Chapter Track File You Want to Playback BD DVD A DVD V DVD SA CD CD SD MP3 WMA AAC LPCM DivX Press during play...

Страница 48: b S S S Track search S S S S Group search S Operations Enabled During Playback Entering numbers Entering 3 z Entering 26 z or Entering 138 z z Depending on number of recorded songs or chapters...

Страница 49: ...unction does not operate across titles and groups Marker search can only be performed during playback You can attach a marker to a location you want to view or hear again so that playback begins at th...

Страница 50: ...Display Chapter repeat S Track repeat S S S Title repeat S Group repeat S All repeat S S Playing Back Repeatedly Repeat Playback BD DVD A DVD V DVD SA CD CD SD MP3 WMA AAC LPCM DivX JPEG Repeat Playba...

Страница 51: ...ess Playback begins in the programmed order 1 During playback of an Primary Audio Secondary Audio title press The audio number currently being played is displayed Audio Primary 1 5 Dolby Digital 3 2 1...

Страница 52: ...subtitle language and subtitle style Subtitle Primary Off Secondary Style 1 1 1 5 English 4 Press The setup screen disappears Selecting DVD Video and DivX file Subtitle With a DivX file the currently...

Страница 53: add another HDMI device connection or make any changes in the connections In this case perform setting again HDMI Control Function NOTE The HDMI control function controls operations of a TV that...

Страница 54: ...sible by connecting a player equipped for DENON LINK 3rd Edition During processing of DENON LINK the DENON LINK indicator of the display lights DENON LINK 4th uses the clock of the AV Amp connected by...

Страница 55: ...vanese 5669 K Kannada 5760 Kashmiri 5765 Kazakh 5757 Kinyarwanda 6469 Kirghiz 5771 Kirundi 6460 Korean 5761 Kurdish 5767 L Laothian 5861 Latin 5847 Latvian Lettish 5868 Lingala 5860 Lithuanian 5866 M...


Страница 57: ...ity and enhanced functionality than the conventional DTS and is adopted as an optional audio for Blu ray disc This technology supports multi channel high data transfer speed high sampling frequency an...

Страница 58: ...53 Firmware Update 33 Folder 5 vG page Group 5 vH page HDCP 16 53 HD Layer 5 HDMI 12 13 53 HDMI Connection 13 HDMI Control Function 49 HDMI Setup 25 Home Theater Playback 11 vI page Information Bar Di...

Страница 59: ...ution supports the resolution of the connected device When set to Auto DVD A1UD makes the setting automatically Check that the HDMI mode setting matches the connected content The connection method of...

Страница 60: ...e the signal code of the remote control match to the signal code of the unit 7 7 7 7 7 The unit is operated by the remote control of other DENON products The unit is operated by the remote control of...

Страница 61: ...o output Output level 2 Vrms 10 k kohms 2 channels output terminal XLR terminal 1 set 7 1 channels output terminal Pin jack 1 set Audio output characteristics 1 Frequency response q BD Multi linear PC...

Страница 62: ...can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves then this License and its terms do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works But when you distrib...

Страница 63: ...ESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 1 February 1999 Copyright C 1991 1999 Free Software Foundation Inc 59 Temple Place Suite 330 Boston MA 02111 1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribut...

Страница 64: ...ivalent access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object...

Страница 65: ...ies If you develop a new library and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change You can do so by permit...

Страница 66: name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it This software may be referred to only as the Independent JPEG Group s software We specifically permit and...

Страница 67: ...little or no sympathy for the existence of these formats Indeed one of the original reasons for developing this free software was to help force convergence on common open format standards for JPEG fil...

Страница 68: ...ds the current FreeType web page which will allow you to download our latest development version and read online documentation You can also contact us individually at David Turner david turner freetyp...


Страница 70: ...u must include an acknowledgement This product includes software written by Tim Hudson tjh cryptsoft com THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG AS IS AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING B...

Страница 71: reversed Redistribution and use in source and binary forms with or without modification are permitted provided that the following conditions are met 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the...

Страница 72: ...D M Holdings Inc Printed in China 5411 10187 206D www denon com...
