July 2014
Chapter 1
Installation Environment
1.1 Physical
The communications framework of the PCI-DMC-01 interface is based on the
Delta Motion
Control Network (DMCNET
protocol. Figure 1.1
is a diagram of the physical architecture.
As shown in Figure 1.1, when you wish to use the PCI-DMC-01 for communications,
attach one end of the network cable (please refer to Cable Types in Section 1.2 Hardware
Specifications for cable specifications) to CN2 on the PCI-DMC-01 interface card (end A in
Figure 1.1), and attach the other end to the slave module (end B in Figure 1.1: CN6 on the
Delta ASDA-A2-F Drive) to establish a series connection.
Make sure that both ends of the network cable use
RJ45 connectors with metal
(indicated by yellow arrows in Figure 1.2). The last Slave Module in the link
must have a
(see Figure 1.3 left) connected to its RJ45 port (Figure 1.1 B-side:
port CN6 on the Delta ASDA-A2-F Servo Drive.).
Terminal operation: Connect pin 1 and pin 2 of the RJ45 connector (Figure 1.3: right side)
with a 150
(Ohm) resistor then connect pin 3 and pin 6 with another 150
(Ohm) resistor
to make a terminal.
Figure 1.1 PCI-DMC-01 Overview of Physical Architecture
Figure 1.2 Connector with
Metal Shielding
Figure 1.3 Actual Terminal