Configuring Output Devices
O3-DIN EnOcean Application Guide
Edition 1.0
Reference (O3 Hub)
Reference (CON-ENOC)
4BS Learn Out
Learn Out Func
Learn Out Type
Learn Mode
Device Address
s = hub rotary switch address (2–9) p = controller NET port (1–3) DD = EnOcean device number (01–32)
The following procedure assumes that you have already completed steps 1 to 4 in Main Steps
for Configuring Output Devices and that you've uploaded an XML mapping file that contains the
combined profile A5-38-08+A5-11-01.
To configure a load controller with central command support:
1. Create the mapping and configuration objects needed for your application.
2. Set the Device Type AV object value to 0 to define an output with feedback.
3. Ensure that all Learn Out BV objects are Off.
4. Set the value of the Learn Out Func CSV object to 38.
5. Set the value of the Learn Out Type CSV object to 08.
6. Put the load controller into learn mode. For specific instructions, consult the
manufacturer's documentation.
7. Command the 4BS Learn Out BV object to On.
8. After the load controller has paired with the gateway, command the 4BS Learn Out BV
object to Off.
9. Set the Command AV object to a value allowed by the profile. For example, to control
dimming, set the value to 2.
10. Command the 4BS Send BV object to On to send a control packet. Confirm that the load
controller responds correctly when you send a command.
Setting Up Feedback
If the output device supports feedback, you can set up feedback to show the response to an
output command.
To set up feedback: