Appendix B: Control Types
Page 63 of 67
eZV-440 Version 2.1 Application Guide
Document Edition 2.5
Appendix B: Control Types
On the Local Outputs tab, control types refer to the methods of control used on the output
device signal. The eZV-440 controller supports 5 control types:
Control Types
Provides modulating control using a 0-10V analog signal
Provides 2 position ON/OFF control using a TRIAC output
Time Proportioned
Provides modulating control for wax valves using a time-proportioned signal
Tri-State Open
Used to open a tri-state valve
Tri-State Close
Used to close a tri-state valve
The control types that are available in the Control Type field drop-down list depend on the
previous selection made in the Function field. For example, a binary control type would be the
only control type available if the occupancy indicator function is selected. The table below lists
the output functions and their associated control types.
Output Function
Control Type
Hydronic Duct
Hydronic Baseboard
Analog, binary, time proportioned, tri-state open, tri-state close
Electric Duct
Electric Baseboard
Analog, binary, time proportioned
Series Fan
Parallel Fan
Analog, binary
VAV/VVT Damper
Analog, tri-state open, tri-state close
Occupancy Indicator
Exhaust Fan
Analog, binary
The Control Type field is also affected by the physical output on the controller used to connect
to the output device. For example, if you are using the TRIAC physical output, the analog control
type does not appear in the Control Type field drop-down list. The following table lists all the
physical outputs and their associated control types.
Physical Output
Control Types
Analog, binary, time proportioned,
tri-state open, tri-state close
Binary, time proportioned, tri-state
open, tri-state close