Personal Monitor User’s Guide
Warnings and Precautions
Consult all accompanying documents for precautionary statements
and other important information.
Consult accompanying user’s guide for detailed instructions.
Keep the device dry. The presence of liquids may compromise the
safety features of the device.
Handle with care.
Sensitive electronic device. Avoid static discharges. Do not operate
or store near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic, magnetic or ra-
dioactive fields. Interference from external sources may decrease the
signal-to-noise ratio or result in corrupted data.
Connect only to Delsys-approved devices.
Connecting a patient to high-frequency surgical equipment while
using Delsys EMG systems may result in burns at the site of the
EMG sensor contacts.
Immediately discontinue device use if skin irritation or discomfort
Immediately discontinue device use if a change in the device’s per-
formance is noted. Contact Delsys technical support for assistance.
Please refer to Appendix I for important safety information regard-
ing Mains Isolation.
Delsys Inc. guarantees the safety, reliability, and performance of the
equipment only if assembly, modifications and repairs are carried
out by authorized technicians; the electrical installation complies
with the appropriate requirements; and the equipment is used in ac-
cordance with the instructions for use.
Device contains a Lithium-Polymer battery. Do not damage, crush,
burn, freeze or otherwise mishandle the device. Recharge only with
the approved power supply and recharger.