Personal Monitor User’s Guide
Figure 20:
The Test Complete screen.
Downloading Data from the Personal Monitor
When a TPM is connected to the PC, EMGworks will display a
menu option in the Test Configuration Manager which allows the
download of data collected on the device.
To download data, select “Manage Protocols and Data on TPM”.
This will display all configurations loaded on the device, and data files
(if they exist) that have been collected for each configuration.
Using the check boxes, select those data files which you would like
to download, and select “Close and Download Selected Data”. On a
computer meeting the minimum system requirements, the download
time of data is approximately 1 second for each minute of collected
data. Data will be automatically removed from the device once it has
been synchronized with a PC.
Figure 21:
data from the TPM to the
PC. Select the “Manage
Protocols and Data” op-
tion (Top), and then “Close
and Download Selected
Data” (Bottom) after the
desired selections have
been made..
To remove a protocol from the device, select a protocol and choose