Administrator action
Configure one or more external anti-virus servers, and then check the anti-virus service.
All CEE/CAVA anti-virus servers disabled.
The anti-virus service on the cluster has stopped because no external anti-virus servers have been enabled.
Administrator action
Enable one or more external anti-virus servers, and then check the anti-virus service.
Not enough CEE/CAVA Servers for cluster size.
Some nodes in the cluster cannot connect to the anti-virus service because the maximum number of available connections has
been exceeded. Anti-virus servers can support a maximum of 20 connections.
Administrator action
Add additional anti-virus servers.
All CEE/CAVA servers are offline.
All anti-virus servers on a node are currently reporting as offline.
Administrator action
Verify that the node is connected to the anti-virus servers and that the servers are operational.
The anti-virus software on the CEE/CAVA server has errors, or is working improperly.
Administrator action
Check the CEE installation guide and the anti-virus software vendor documentation for proper setup.
Software events