6-68061-01 Rev A, December 2013
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Quantum SuperLoader 3:
Rackmount Replacement
Follow the steps in the document to replace a rackmount for your
SuperLoader 3:
To replace the rackmount, refer to the following sections:
Preparing to Replace the SuperLoader 3 Rackmount
Removing the SuperLoader 3 from the Rackmount
Replacing the SuperLoader 3 In a New Rackmount
Preparing to Replace the SuperLoader 3 Rackmount
Read this entire document before beginning any of the procedures.
Safety Precautions
Before beginning a rack mount installation, complete the following safety
Lower the cabinet feet.
Extend the cabinet anti-tip device, if available.
Ensure that the cabinet and all rack mounted equipment have a reliable
ground connection.
If you have made any changes to the location of your SuperLoader 3, verify
that the total current of all rack mounted components (including the