The following drive was inserted into a bay that contains another drive that is in the process of smartfailing. Reinsert the drive
that is smartfailing, or wait for the FlexProtect job to complete before inserting a new drive.
A drive was installed as a replacement in a drive bay that is still in the process of Smartfailing the failed drive that was removed.
The event message provides you with the current node, bay, location, drive type, and Logical Number (LNUM) of the drive.
Administrator action
You must wait for the FlexProtect job to complete before you insert a replacement drive in the drive bay.
You can replace the failed drive in the drive bay and wait for the drive to finish Smartfailing, or leave the bay empty until the
FlexProtect job finishes.
Unprovisionable drive(s): {unprovisionable}
One or more drives in the cluster cannot be provisioned.
Administrator action
Gather logs, and then contact Technical Support for additional troubleshooting. For instructions on how to gather cluster logs,
Use of a non-supported boot flash drive has been attempted.
The non-supported boot flash drive must be replaced. Boot flash drives are not customer-replaceable parts. If you are unsure
whether a potential replacement boot flash drive is supported, contact Dell EMC PowerScale Technical Support.
Administrator action
Contact Dell EMC PowerScale Technical Support to diagnose and resolve the issue.
Software events