Solving Problems : Dell Inspiron 2500 Systems
If you cannot play a music CD or install a program from a
High-speed CD drive vibration is normal and may cause noise. This noise does not
indicate a defect in the drive or the CD.
Ensure that Windows recognizes the drive—
Double-click the My Computer
icon. If the CD drive is not listed, perform a full scan with your antivirus
software to check for and remove viruses. Viruses can sometimes prevent
Windows from recognizing the drive.
Test the drive with another CD—
Insert another CD to eliminate the
possibility that the original CD is defective.
Clean the disc—
Adjust the Windows volume control—
Double-click the yellow speaker icon
in the lower-right corner of your screen. Be sure that the volume is turned up
and that the sound is not muted.
If you cannot play a DVD movie
Because of different worldwide file types, not all DVD titles work in all DVD
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