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2.7.10 Power factor controller
Controller ON
ON/OFF. ON: Running parallel with
mains, the power factor will be kept
at preset value, regardless of
power consumption. By very low
loads (secondary current <5% In),
the control can become unstable.
Therefore, in this case, the control-
ler is overruled.
Pow.fact. contr.
Setpoint.= i 0.95
1...i 0.70 (i = inductive) The reac-
tive power is controlled in such a
manner, that the preset power
factor value is kept constant.
Nz = 10.0%
0.5...25.5%. Neutral zone, power
factor controller, percentage of ge-
nerator nominal power. The MGC-1
calculates the reactive power value
necessary to reach the desired
power factor. In parallel with mains,
the reactive power will be within
(Pnom. ±Nz)*cos .
Gain. Kp = 10.0
1.0...99.9. Amplification factor,
power factor controller. The Kp af-
fects the ON time for the relay out-
put. Kp
= ON time
3. Generator and engine protection parameter menu
The protective functions are divided into 4 failure modes:
F0: Warning. Gives warning only, no interference with the present running situation.
F1: As F0, but with setting of alarm output : Common failure.
F2: Stop. Trips breaker and stops genset after cooling down time.
F3: Shutdown. Trips breaker and stops genset immediately.
By activation of "shutdown inhibit mode" (terminal 6), functions F2 and
F3 are changed to F1 (shutdown blocking)!!!