IM-Inst-RF300en v12.0
Select the Mounting Place
To localize a drone an intersection
of the bearings from at least two
sensors is needed.
Localization is not possible in
the case where two RF-300s are
This is the blind area of two sensors.
Both RF-300s detects a direction
in alignment to the left. The over-
lapping area covers the complete
bearing of the other RF-300. The
position can’t be determind.
Both RF-300s detect a direction in
alignment to the right. The over-
lapping area covers the complete
bearing of the other RF-300. The
position can’t be determind.
Both RF-300s detect a direction
against each other. No exact positi-
on can be determined.
With three RF-300s there is no blind
area. The third RF-300s can always
varify the area of intersection.
Position of the sensors to each other