IM-Inst-RF300en v12.0
Integrate the RF-300 in your DroneTracker
Align the sensor by a landmark:
Choose a prominent landmark in the area which is visible
(corner of a building, etc.).
Take a look over the pole and RF-300 and align the sensor
to the prominent landmark.
This is neccessary for the correct orientation of the
sensor in the sitemap of the DroneTracker UI (see 7 Integ-
rate the RF-300 in your DroneTracker, page 15).
Align the sensor with a GPS device or compass:
Place the GPS device or compass on the RF-300 and
check the orientation of the RF-300.
Read the GPS position in degrees (for example,
"52.516295" and "13.377653").
Find the horizontal angle (azimuth) in degrees (0 = north,
90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west).
Note the values in the table (see 5.1.1 Detection Condi-
tions, page 7).
Make sure that the pole is grounded (see 5.2 Overvoltage Protection, page 10).
Connect the patch cable to the RF-300 and turn the connector gland until it is locked (for
a correct cable preparation see 6.4 Cable Preparation, page 12).
If the patch cable is connected to the network, the RF-300 boots automatically and
after approximately 1 second the blue button at the RF-300 illuminates, indicating that
the hardware is ready.
The patch cable is connected to the network and the RF-300 does not boot automati-
cally after approximately 1 second?
Push the blue button and wait for it to illuminate.
Make sure that
active PoE+ (802.3at)
is activated in your network.
GPS de
7 Integrate the RF-300 in your DroneTracker
The integration procedure of the RF-300 in your DroneTracker depends on the system type:
On premises installations using your local DroneTracker Server (see 7.1 Integrate the RF-300 in
your on prem DroneTracker Server, page 15).
Dedrone Cloud installations do not require any additional infrastructur and are connected to
the Dedrone Cloud (see 7.2 Integrate the RF-300 via Dedrone Cloud, page 17).
7.1 Integrate the RF-300 in your on prem DroneTracker Server
To connect to the RF-300 DHCP-Services are required that automatically assign an IP address to
the RF-300. If the RF-300 and the DroneTracker Server are in the same Layer2 network they can be
connected directly. If the RF-300 and the DroneTracker Server are in different networks refer to the
Dedrone Planning Manual or consult your network administrator.