Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
5. Leaf Porometer Utility
How Saved Data Are Organized
Data are organized in the same way regardless of what for-
mat it was saved in. The information will be divided into six
Measurement Time
Stomatal conductance/resistance
Temperature in °C or °F
Sample ID
(if saved with measurement)
Sensor head serial number
Calibration number
NOTE: The utility formats measurement dates according to the Win-
dows Local settings found in the Control Panel under “Regional and
Language Options” (“Regional Settings” in Windows 98). You may
override this and set the format to day/month/year by going to the
Edit Menu, click Preferences, Units tab, and by clicking “Use tem-
plate” under Date/Time Format for Data Files.
Scan Records
Scan records have additional columns than other data
records. They show a snapshot of the sensor values at the
time of measurement. In all file types, the scan records are
interleaved with the normal data records and can be identi-
fied because their annoations are labelled "Scan". Their
additional columns are as follows:
7. Leaf Relative Humidity in %RH