Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
4. Sensor Head Calibration
Sensor Head Calibration
For the leaf porometer to make accurate readings of sto-
matal conductance, the two humidity sensors in the sensor
head must behave in a very repeatable manner. Over the
past several years, we have found that the sensors occasion-
ally change characteristics over time. While the endpoint
humidity measurement may still be accurate, the response
time of the sensors can change subtly which creates inaccu-
rate conductance measurements. The best way to ensure
accurate conductance measurements is to calibrate the
porometer before taking measurements. We recommend
that the porometer be calibrated every day that it is used or
every time it is used under a different set of environmental
conditions (i.e. > 15° C temperature change or 20% humid-
ity change). Visit our website at www.decagon.com/porocal
for an online video tutorial of the calibration process.
All Leaf Porometers with firmware Revision 1.30 or greater
have the ability to be calibrated by the user. If your porom-
eter has firmware lower than Revision 1.30, you may
upgrade the firmware. See Chapter 7 for instructions on
how to upgrade your firmware to the latest version.
In addition to current firmware, you will need a calibration
kit from Decagon to perform the calibration. If you do not
have a calibration kit, please contact Decagon (sup-
[email protected]) for a kit. Please have your sensor head
serial number available when you contact Decagon for the