There are few ways how you can attach elevator and rudder. Easier one is to use Donatas Design
beveling tool and cut control surface by angle, and then ussing blenderm tape attach it to fuselage
(same way ailerons are done).Such method is good when you use solid pull push system. But if
you use pull pull cables, tension on hinge line will displace rudder or elevator.
When you use TVR (Trust Vector Control) system, it put allot forces on motormount and nose of
plane, here is small trick how to make nose of plane stronger and have less noise. Cut nose about
3cm from front and glue in thin carbon piece.
This will help in few areas, plane nose will be much
stronger and noise will caused by hi G maneuvers will be smaller.
I use so called „8" method.
You can see rudder here is connected like old fashion control line
surfaces, when people did not had hi quality hinges. Idea
here is
simple, take two pieces of
tape (about 1x1,5cm size). Glue 0,5cm lenght of tape to other tape to sticky areas, this
will give you 2,5cm tape that is sticky in front on the bottom and rear on the top, at same time center
is neutral from both sides. Having such piece glue one side of it to stabilizer top surface and
bottom of elevator, reply same thing just flip over next sticky tape piece. You have to repeat this
procedure until elevator is connected from left to right. Such way of connecting surfaces is best
for Pull pull cbles. I use this method on my competition models, it allow surface deflect up to 180
degree with no effort, also it can withstand pull pull cable tension forces and stay in place for ever.