Very end of connection is done with stronger fiberglass tape. Also i put soft velcro on point where
tail will be touching ground, this will remove noise durring take off and landing.
Next step will be motor mounting. If you decide to go with regular motormount, this process will be
very easy, you can use wooden ore fiberglass motormount. Take your motor drill holles and ussing
few screws attach motor to motormount. Now you can glue motormount with motor to plane nose.
There should be 1-2 degree offset to right side and 0 in vertycal axis. If you will need to change angle
after few testflights, i recomment unscrew motor and and place small piece of glow fuel line betwen
motormount and motor.
When you glue wooden ore fiberglass motormount to depron nose, i recommend to
use 4 pieces of blenderm tape and put it on top of each „motormount leg“.