While we did not attach top of fuselage, now it is good
time to prepare and install landing gear. First of all i like
to reinforce stresfull areas near landing gear. For this
task i use some 6 cm piece of thin carbon and fiberglass
cloth. Now lets prepare and mount landing gear. Take 24
cm long 1,5mm diameter carbon rod. Mount it as it is
shown in picture, with small angle toward engine. This
will provide stable standing on the ground. I also highly
recommend to take kevlar threat and nedle, and repeat
same procedure like we did with main wing support. Tie
1,5 mm carbon rod to leading edge flat carbon.
Now it is time to decide how many servos you will use for ailerons. Arrow V.5 have really big and
powerfull ailerons, so it require strong servos. Single servo option would be Hitec 65HB
connected to 6 volts. (Do not try dirrect connection to 2S battery, eventually will burn after ~50
flights.) If you want to use two servos, i recommend JR290G ore Jr188. Jr290 is heavier option,
but it have better gears that will stay tight for hundrets of flights. In other hand JR188 is lighter.
All these servos are good quality but they all are quite heawy, but this is not a problem, here is
example how i cut down weight from Hitec 65HB servo. Screws and bottom case removed.
Rest servo parts hold together thanks to blenderm tape. Please have in mind that
such modiffications will void warranty from servo manufacturer.