Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Co n ve n tio n s Us e d in Th is Ma n u a l
Te xt Co n ve n tio n s
This manual uses the following text conventions:
Italic text
indicates new terms, directories and/or filenames.
Underlined Text
indicates ACE9600 selections or key presses.
Monospaced text indicates ACE9600 commands entered
through remote mode.
Bold monospaced text
indicates ACE9600 responses through
remote mode.
S ym b o ls
The following symbols appear in the manual.
This symbol and its “see also” text is placed next to subject
matter in
the manual to tell you where to find more information
S e e a ls o ,
This icon indicates a
. Text marked this way may be an optional procedure
for accomplishing a task, or a time-saving procedure for advanced or
familiar users.
This icon indicates a
. Failure to follow the instructions given here
may result in
personal injury
damage to the equipment