Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Figure 2-12. Main display for Static Multipath Fading
To avoid clipping when fading is enabled, the power of the signal
under fading conditions must be reduced to less than the instrument’s
normal maximum power. When fading is enabled, the input signal must
be limited to less than -6 dBm, and the resulting faded output signal
power will be less than -19 dBm (dependent upon the path loss
S e ttin g th e Mu ltip a th Fa d e Me n u P a ra m e te rs
S o ft Ke ys
To view settings for other channels, press the
key to cycle
through all installed channels. The current channel number is displayed
at bottom left of the display.
Fading Disabled/Fading Enabled:
Toggles between multipath fading
active or bypassed
Next Menu:
Rician K-factor, Angle of Arrival, correlation between
paths, and Log-Normal settings can be adjusted by pressing this key to
invoke the Fading submenu.
Paths 1-6
Paths 7-12:
Only six paths are displayed at a time. Use
this key to view the remaining six paths.
Grid P a ra m e te rs
Press the appropriate field, type in the desired value, followed by
key. Pressing the Type field cycles through the available
Type: displays fading type: Rayleigh, Rician, CW, or Off.
Doppler: 0-10 kHz in 1 Hz steps.
Loss: 0
30dB in 0.1 dB steps.