Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Na vig a tio n in Dyn a m ic Mo d e
Soft touch keys are used to switch between three main menus, which
RF frequency (key is labeled
Multipath Fading (key is labeled
Figure 2-2. Dynamic Mode Navigation Controls (Fade key not
Ed itin g P a ra m e te r Va lu e s
Parameters are selected for editing by pressing the parameter field on
the touch sensitive display. When touching a parameter, the instrument
responds with an audible beep, and the background of the selected field
is highlighted. The user then enters the new numeric value via the
keypad, ending the entry with a units key (ms/MHz, us/kHz, or Enter
for ms/Hz/dB). After a units key has been pressed, the new value is
stored and editing is complete. Anytime a parameter field is
highlighted, that field can be edited. If another parameter key is pressed
prior to pressing a units key, the highlight immediately moves to the
appropriate field and the original parameter is not overwritten.
Figure 2-2. Keypad